The Workbook (with Answer Key) provides further opportunities to revisit and consolidate the vocabulary, structures and skills students have already encountered in each unit. At the end of every Workbook...
Технические характеристикиОсновные характеристикиБрендIronLogicТип Бесконтактные (RFID)Сертификат и паспортЗапросы на сертификат и/или паспорт, описание и/или дополнительную техническую и справочную информацию...
Language Practice for Advanced New Edition is an in-depth, detailed approach to English grammar and vocabulary, providing clear grammar explanations, plenty of practice and regular review units. The accompanying...
KEY WORDS FOR FLUENCY Intermediate provides practice in learning collocations of some of the most useful words in English. It emphasizes common words that occur in many different contexts and identifies...
Наличными, Безналичный расчётКурьером, Почтой, СамовывозПроизводитель: Roland61 клавиша, чувствительные к скорости касания,, полифония 128, 500 тембров. Поддержка Bluetooth аудио/MIDI для подключения к...
Евродрова, древесные топливные брикеты производим и продаем с доставкой по Москве и области. Брикеты - евродрова идеальны для отопления коттеджей, домов и производственных помещений. Подходят для всех...
Compact Key for Schools 2 Student's Book without Answers+Online Practice and Workbook without Answers + Audio DownloadFast, focused exam preparation - a 50-to-60-hour course for the A2 Key for...
Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including...
Optimise is a fantastic new four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. The series will comprehensively prepare teenagers for international exams (Including...