Уровни: A2 | Elementary Компонент: рабочая тетрадь Категория: средняя и старшая школа. Рабочая тетрадь содержит упражнения трёх уровней сложности (уровень сложности помечен звёздочками): Basic level; More advanced; Challenging – в соответствии с содержанием Книги для учащегося и сопровождается аудиодиском.A down-to-earth course to Motivate! teenage students. Motivate! is a four-level well-balanced course for secondary school students. There is a sensible paced approach to teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills, with an emphasis on mixed abilities.Key Features • Thorough grammar teaching with practice in written and oral contexts • Engaging and age-appropriate reading texts and tasks • Regular listening exercises enhance students' communicative competence • Well-structured and well-modelled methods for the teaching and practising of the productive skills (speaking and writing) lead to frequent opportunities for personalisation • Strong culture and CLIL features in every unit accompany lots of real-world content • A wealth of support features and tips (e.g. learning strategies and common errors) make the learning experience more memorable and effective